327th Star Corps Phase 2 for Galactic Republic AI players on Felucia – CO-OP and Instant Action.41st Elite Corps Phase 2 for Galactic Republic AI players on Kashyyyk – CO-OP and Instant Action.Phase 2 for Galactic Republic AI players on Kamino – Instant Action Default Phase 1 for Galactic Republic AI players on Kamino – CO-OP.212th Attack Battalion Phase 2 for Galactic Republic AI players on Geonosis – Instant Action.212th Attack Battalion Phase 1 for Galactic Republic AI players on Geonosis – CO-OP.

Different default Appearances have been set up for the AI on CO-OP and Instant Action.Lightsaber-carrying Hero AI should now be able to get closer to targets and play more offensive. Several improvements to the behavior of Hero AI carrying Lightsabers.Fixed an issue that would cause AI players to occasionally stand still when standing on the end of a navigable path.Fixed an issue where not all Hero AI would spawn on games of Instant Action.Fixed an issue where you could get Separatist Announcer VO at the end of a CO-OP game, if you played as a Wookiee Warrior.Fixed an issue where the intro camera on Naboo and Kamino would occasionally make a jarring movement.Fixed an issue that would remove the timer when the player would go in an Out-Of-Bounds area, when playing a CO-OP map.Added scoring when completing a phase on CO-OP.Adjusted the spawning rate of enemy Hero AI on CO-OP, by increasing the cooldown in-between spawning.Changes include tweaking AI and human player spawn points, adding props for coverage, adjusting number of Command Posts per phase, adjusting the areas of effect around Command Posts etc. Made various balancing changes on various CO-OP maps (Kamino, Felucia, Geonosis).