10ġ1 x1 x1 x1 A+ B Coming up more and more frequently, especially in war, need more time to watch this cc combination and see if it can get a higher place in this ranking. 10ġ1 x3 x10 x7 A+ A This is an ambush style cc setup to use and you will really surprise the attacker here with 3 Head Hunters that go after the heroes, the super fast Goblins plus the Archers (mixed 50/50) that will create also a lot of pressure. Especially in war where the attacker can prepare for the Witches with a spell this works well as the Valkyries can really create a bad situation with their splash damage. 10ġ1 x1 x2 x9 ⬆︎S A Also a versatile cc setup with 2 Valkyries instead of the Witches. Especially hard to deal with without Poison Spell. You have the Baby Dragon that will get enraged and deal good damage while the Witch summons her Skeletons and the additional Archers will create more mess.

11 x1 x2 x1 ⬇︎A S+ For me the most versatile home village cc setup for defending.