This is a portrait pack compiled by Rodman49 from. Pillars Of Eternity Portrait Pack > f6d3264842 You can. For your watcher or hired adventurers! Download the full portrait pack here. Jaceface's Pillars of Eternity Portrait Pack. My first Pillars of Eternity portrait pack! Woo! Download link: Feel free to modify. IncGamers' Peter Parrish explains how to add that personal, custom touch to your party portraits in Pillars of Eternity with this step-by-step.

Small note: I divided the portraits in f&m to make things easier to find but. Don't edit/repost or put any of the art in portraits packs without the permission of the artist. File path (at least for Steam) is: steam/steamapps/common/Pillars of Eternity - Public Beta/PillarsofEternity_Data/data/art/gui/portraits/player/(female or male)/. Man, Pillars of Eternity was such an amazing game. Around 550 portraits all told, sized and named for POE I/II with a random sampler. In Pillars of Eternity, there are two separate PNG files for any given portrait, implementing the different image sizes used by the game. Pillars of eternity portrait pack, pillars of eternity 2 portrait pack, pillars of eternity deadfire portrait pack, pillars of eternity custom portrait pack, pillars of eternity 2 deadfire portrait pack