Enemies will not appear on your compass at all. Compass Locations of interest appear on your compass only when you are in much closer proximity than on other difficulty modes.Mini-Nukes and Fusion Cores are especially heavy. For example, 10mm rounds are lighter than. Weighted Ammo ammo has weight based on the caliber type.Useful for those who have time constraints or don't want to deal with this aspect. There is a mod that re-enables fast travel on Survival Mode.Increased Lethality you take and deal increased damage.There is a mod that re-enables manual and quick saving on Survival Mode for those who think this is too harsh.If you want to save, you need to sleep in a bed or other location where you can sleep. Saving manual and quick saving is disabled.From my experience, it is definitely worth a look if you were like me and loved Hardcore Mode. You can get it now on Steam by opting into the beta. Bethesda has overhauled Survival Mode to incorporate a newly designed Hardcore Mode. I was one of the people that was very critical of Fallout 4 for a great number of reasons, one of which including the game had no Hardcore Mode.